Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Engine Company

Your the second due engine and have arrived on the scene. The first due engine is stretching a 2-1/2" line to the alley on the "D Side" of the structure. The first due truck has reported that it is going to be delayed due to traffic.

What is your initial on-scene report?

What are your immediate concerns/actions?

What size line will you advance, and where would it go?

What about exposures?


Patrick MacKay said...

As the first due engine company my on-scene report would be as follows..."Engine XX is on the scene, Side Alpha of a 2 story SFD, fire showing from the number 2 floor on the Alpha and Delta Sides, advise the Chief I would like to transfer the command". I would take a lap and give a proper side Charlie report, to include: the number of floors in the rear, fire conditions observed, and any sub floor access. If the first engine company stretched to protect the exposure, as the second due engine company I would: assuming there is no fire conditions on the first floor or in a sub floor area, I would advance a 1 3/4" handline up the steps and begin to make the push. The wind conditions appear to place the Delta exposure as the most threatened. Looking at the construction of the houses, it appears the exterior walls are made of non combustible material which will help in limiting extension to the exposures. Assuming we have 4 person engine companies, I could utilize the back-up man or OIC to search off the handline as we advance based on the delayed arrival of special services companies. Judging by the pictures, the most likely place for viable patients would be in the Bravo or Charlie quadrants, as the amount of fire present in the front portion of the second floor is pretty well involved. The engine driver's can start placing portable ladders, so as to provide a means of egress for companies operating on the fire floor. With a little bit of "go" in them, an engine company should be able to make pretty quick work of this fire.

Fight Fire said...

No report needed for 2nd Engine. But I would have the crew take the 1 3/4" attempt to knock down whatever fire in on the exterior then start an aggressive interior attack. Simultaneously initiate a search as we go towards the seat of the fire. Hopefully the crews outside are protecting the exposure. My concern in the interior is structural collapse. Great site guys and keep it going we need this stuff!

HybridMedic said...

Establish water supply to support first due engine, make sure civilians are out of the structure, stretch an 1-3/4" line to knock down 2nd floor fire from the exterior and extinguish fire on the exposure, then follow the first line in to finish the interior attack.

Larry Jenkins said...

I would have to assume the 1st engine was protecting exposures, you could not get a 2 1/2 up interior stairs. I would take a 1 3/4 through the front door to the 2nd floor and put the fire out. I would search as I go since no truck or rescue is there. Fire is vented out the front. Push the fire out the front windows. I would have the drivers throw ladder to upper floors.